Social Score
All land in Digital Village is assigned a Social score. This is a dynamic score that will fluctuate based on social activity & behavior in The Multiverse.
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All land in Digital Village is assigned a Social score. This is a dynamic score that will fluctuate based on social activity & behavior in The Multiverse.
Last updated
The following attributes are used to evaluate a parcel's Score score in Digital Village:
Similar to the real world, the value of your neighbor’s properties affects your own. If an adjacent parcel of land sells for a very high price, your land’s social score will increase, and vice versa.
Building upon your land can increase its value. Using valuable assets during construction will contribute to the value of your land. If you build a luxury condominium, you might find that your parcel of land has increased in value.
The Multiverse is all about interacting with others. If a lot of villagers visit and spend time on your property (or surrounding properties), your social score will increase.