Topological Score
All land in Digital Village is assigned a Topological score. This is a score based on the quality of the land in terms of its geometry & suitability for construction.
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All land in Digital Village is assigned a Topological score. This is a score based on the quality of the land in terms of its geometry & suitability for construction.
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The following attributes are used to evaluate a parcel's Topological score in Digital Village:
A more square-like parcel of land makes it easier for villagers to bring their ideas to life when building on their land. Uniformity will increase the land’s Topological score.
Similar to the real world, larger parcels of land are typically more valuable. The larger the area the parcel of land occupies in a zone, the more its topological score will increase
Not all land is suitable for construction. Some parcels of land will be partially covered with water, or debris, or simply include uneven terrain. Due to their nature, these areas can’t be built upon. A larger area of land that can support construction will increase its Topological score.
A parcel of land that is partially covered by water is a double-edged sword. A little bit of the surface water will positively impact the Topological Score. However, too much water will have a negative impact on the score due to affecting the buildable land.
A parcel of land with a high altitude will increase the Topological score. Further, a parcel of land closer to sea level will also boost the Topological score. In other words, given a range of altitude, the end-points will always result in a larger increase in the Topological score. The landscape of Digital Village is beautiful - the view is everything.